content marketing for home builders

12 Evergreen Content Marketing Ideas for Home Builders

8 min read

Great content marketing is the key to capturing an audience for most industries, and the home-building sector is no exception. Whether you’re in custom home design, renovations, tiny home construction, or 3D home building, the right content can be your most powerful tool. And, with over 400,000 competitors, you can’t be too complacent about what you put out there.

Here, we’ve put together a list of effective, evergreen content ideas for home builders that will highlight the precision, creativity, and expertise prospective clients and buyers will be looking for.

Top content marketing ideas for home builders

1. Provide downloadable guides, brochures, or portfolios

Offering free how-to guides, practical checklists, or portfolios to your audience is a surefire way to grab your audience’s attention, and give them something to peruse later when they’re considering what your business has to offer. Ask for an email address to send the guide to, so that you can continue to nurture that lead.

Here are some tips to make your downloadable content appealing:

  • Use vibrant colours, high-quality images, and a clean layout that reflects your brand’s identity. Hire a professional designer to do this.
  • Make the title(s) attention-grabbing and clearly convey the content’s value.
  • Give a sneak peek of the content to pique interest.
  • Ensure that the download process is simple.
  • Optimise for all devices, especially mobile.

2. Showcase informational content about the home-building process

Highlighting the behind-the-scenes process is a great way to build trust with prospective clients. Showing how your team works, from the initial consultation to the final handover, gives your potential clients a clear picture of what they can expect. It eliminates guesswork and uncertainties, making them feel more confident and secure in their decision to work with you.

This type of content also taps into the aspirational desires of viewers and readers. By offering a look at the intricacies of construction, craftsmanship, and design, builders not only showcase their expertise but also evoke a sense of longing in the audience. You’re painting a vivid picture of possibilities, allowing potential clients to envision their dream homes coming to life.

Tips to make it effective:

  • Keep it authentic and unfiltered, clearly explaining what’s expected from the client and what they can expect from you.
  • Use infographics, flowcharts, or videos to make the process easy to grasp.
  • Emphasise major phases like design approval, foundation laying, or final inspection.
  • Answer frequent questions or worries clients might have at different stages.

3. Share thought processes behind design details

Many competitors shy away from sharing their thought processes, but being open about the inspiration and rationale behind your design details is precisely what will set you apart. Doing so showcases your expertise, passion, and care for each design decision. This approach also humanises your brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy.

Best practices for results:

  • Narrate the story behind the design. Maybe it’s historical inspiration, a specific client’s wish, or an exploration of a new design trend. It makes the details more meaningful.
  • Talk about specific challenges you faced and how your team worked together to overcome them.
  • Use visuals–photos, sketches, and renderings–to illustrate the evolution of a design idea to make the process tangible for the audience.
  • Invite feedback for more engagement.

Trending topics are your fast lane to visibility. A recent study on Twitter trends shows that when you talk about popular topics, more people notice you, even when these people are outside your network. 

To find popular home-building trends, leverage the hashtag feature of social media platforms like Twitter (now X!), Instagram or TikTok. You can also join forums or online groups discussing home building. Join them and see what everyone’s discussing. They could be tiny homes, Airbnb, holiday homes, investment homes and more.

Tips to talk about popular topics well:

  • Talk about trending topics in your own way. Be authentic.
  • Give your readers valuable tips or new information about the subject.
  • Ask your readers questions and reply to their comments.
  • Use pictures or videos to make your topic even more interesting.
  • Keep updating your content. What’s popular can change. So, keep checking and talking about the latest things.

5. Highlight your best designs and builds

In the home building industry, a picture isn’t just worth a thousand words—it’s worth potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars (probably millions if you’re in Melbourne or Sydney). Whether interior design or landscaping, they’re often the first thing people see of your work, setting immediate impressions.

Tips for leveraging visuals effectively: 

  • Invest in high-quality photography to showcase your projects in the best light.
  • Use videos (Reels or Shorts) when you can. They work really well compared to static images. 
  • Show close-up shots of unique design elements or high-quality materials to emphasise the care and attention to detail in your builds.
  • Take them on a journey. Highlight critical stages from design to build.

6. Display before and after renovation projects

Before and after works are compelling visual proofs that you know how to get a job well done and also have that aspirational appeal. Prospective clients will see that transformation and rather than thinking, “this builder is trying to sell me a new kitchen,” they’ll think, “this could be my kitchen.”

In putting together before and after photos to highlight renovations, focus on visuals that really capture the essence of change, improvement, and the value you bring to a project.

Tips for effective “before and after” content for builders:

  • Be consistent. Ensure both photos have consistent, clear lighting to highlight the changes and take both images from the same angle for a clear comparison.
  • Apart from overall room shots, show detailed shots of specific areas where major changes occurred.
  • If sharing photos, accompany them with a brief description of the challenges faced and how you solved them.

7. Offer interactive virtual tours

Five of ten adult internet users use virtual tours in their decision-making process. This number is not surprising, given that these virtual experiences allow your potential clients to “walk” through a property or design without ever setting foot on the actual site. It gives them a realistic experience–the feel of the space, layout, and design nuances.

How to make interactive tours effective:

  • Hire a virtual tour specialist. They know which angles capture a space best and how to integrate interactive features for an immersive experience seamlessly. Their expertise ensures the tour highlights every corner, nook, and design element, providing your potential clients with a comprehensive and engaging virtual walkthrough. 
  • Make the interface user-friendly and optimised for various devices to ensure smooth navigation, whichever they use.
  • Add interactive markers to highlight unique design elements, materials, or innovative solutions.

8. Partner with Influencers

If you’re targeting the younger demographic, influencers are your ally. Millennials and Gen-Z alike see them as reliable sources of information, often valuing their opinions and recommendations as much as those of close friends or family. Hubspot reports half of the Gen-Yers add influencers to their list of resources when researching a product, while more than 30% of the younger generation buy products based on the influencers’ reviews.

How to make influencer partnerships work:

  • Before teaming up with one, check out their past posts and what people say about them. You want someone who has a good image and can be trusted. Also, ensure the influencer’s fans are the people you want to reach. And check if the way they share things matches your brand’s style. You want everything to feel right and natural.
  • Think about how big of an influencer you want. Some have a smaller but very loyal group of followers. These are often called nano or micro-influencers. They might be a better fit if you want a closer connection with a specific group of people. More prominent influencers have many followers, but they might cost more and not be as personal.
  • Set clear expectations regarding content deliverables, timelines, and compensation. A well-defined partnership ensures both parties are on the same page.
  • While you might have specific guidelines, allow influencers some creative freedom. Their unique voice and style are what their followers resonate with.

9. Develop content that highlights the expertise of your team

A home is probably one of the biggest purchases we will make in our lifetime.  It’s not just about walls and roofs. It’s about dreams, memories, and the future. So, when people think about building or renovating a home, they want to know they’re in good hands. And your content showing precisely that will lure them to try your business.

Tips for sharing your team’s skills:

  • Share stories about past projects, especially the challenging ones and how your team overcame them. We highly recommend including behind-the-scenes images and videos.
  • Show your team in action. This can help people see the hard work and care that goes into each project.
  • Host Q&A Sessions. Let potential clients ask your team questions.
  • Did someone on your team get a new certification or win an award? Share it!
  • Share expert advice or tips from your team. This can help show they really know their stuff.

10. Offer discovery sessions

Discovery sessions are a great opportunity to get to know prospective clients, understand their vision, and address their concerns directly. It’s also when your potential clients can witness firsthand the knowledge and professionalism your team brings.

Tips for effective consultations:

  • Before the session, gather basic information about the client’s needs to tailor the discussion effectively.
  • Listen actively to ensure the client feels heard. Address their concerns–no matter how trivial–and provide insights based on their specific needs.
  • Whether it’s a rough sketch, a project timeline, or a list of potential materials, give clients something concrete to go over after the session.
  • After the consultation, send a thank-you note and a summary of what you discussed. It reinforces your commitment and keeps the lines of communication open.

11. Advertise open houses or display homes

While interactive virtual tours provide a realistic experience, nothing beats the tangible feeling of stepping into a beautifully designed home and envisioning your life there. It’s a holistic experience that virtual tours can hint at, but only a physical visit can truly deliver. 

Best advertising practices to boost attendance:

  • Use social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to create buzz. Share teaser photos, countdowns, and behind-the-scenes looks leading up to the event.
  • Collaborate with local businesses or influencers to promote the event. They can help spread the word to their audience, increasing reach.
  • Send out invites to your mailing list with enticing visuals and details of the open home. Consider offering exclusive early-bird viewings for subscribers.
  • Place eye-catching signs in strategic locations around the neighbourhood and main roads leading up to the property.
  • Advertise in local publications, ensuring you highlight unique features of the home and any special events during the open house.

12. Create geographically targeted content

The Australian landscape is as varied as the people living in it. Different regions, neighbourhoods, and suburbs have unique characteristics, preferences, and needs. Your home-building business can connect more deeply with potential clients and stand out in a crowded market if you create content tailored to specific areas.

Tips for creating targeted content:

  • If a suburb has a great view, like the ocean or mountains, design homes that take full advantage of that with big windows or lovely patios.
  • Use building materials that are popular or sourced from the specific area for a touch of authenticity.
  • Show homes that suit the local climate.
  • Offer landscaping ideas that fit the local flora. For tropical areas, lush greenery; for desert areas, drought-resistant plants.

Lead Generation for Home Builders

At BizWisdom, we have many years of experience developing content strategies for home builders in Australia. Request a proposal from Sam today and let’s get your lead generation campaign started.